Leadership and professional excellence begin here...
Leadership and professional excellence begin here...
Since ancient times, stacked rocks known as cairns signaled journeyers and hikers that they were on the right path. The cairn above marks the journey for leaders and professionals who aspire to define, cultivate and leverage their passions and unique strengths to achieve personal and organizational excellence.
“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” – Peter F. Drucker, author and educator
“To lead people, walk beside them. When the best leader’s work is done, the people say, ‘We did it ourselves!’” – Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher
“It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens.” — Jillian Michaels, businesswoman, fitness expert, author
“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters.” — Colin Powell, military hero and former U.S. Secretary of State
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet and essayist
"The spirit of greatness lies within everyone." – Wilma Rudolph, polio survivor who became one of the greatest athletes of the 20th century
“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” —Rosalynn Carter, former First Lady of the U.S.
"Be the leader you wish you had." – Simon Sinek, author and inspirational speaker on business leadership
"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." – Jack Welch. former CEO of GE
"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again." – Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first democratically elected President
“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” — Winston S. Churchill, former Prime Minister of the U.K. who led Britain to victory in WWII
“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” — Bruce Lee, famed martial artist and actor to partner with:
My "cairns" represent key milestones on the journey toward excellence, such as the ability to:
A prime objective of the coaching relationship is to meet each client where she or he stands, with the coach acting as guide, champion and accountability ally. Milestones like those above can vary in importance from one client to the next, and some may not surface at all as development opportunities.
Every coaching journey is unique but directed towards the same overall results:
Coaching outcomes are achieved through a variety of means including:
Engagements may also include:
If you are leader or agent of organization change & transformation, the recently released Constellations for Leading Organization Change will be a "game changer." It's written for anyone who wants to build the kind of insights and a repertoire of pertinent research and practical guidance for change and transformation success. Check it out at Amazon – – and other major book sellers.
I’ve spent hundreds of hours exploring the dark night skies north of Flagstaff, Arizona. Efforts to understand our universe will expand almost everyone's curiosity about everything, including:
”What is great leadership? and “How does one achieve it?
My career spans over 25 years in HR leadership with a cross-section of organizations –national, multi-national and small to large local and regional businesses, publicly and privately held, nonprofits and associations in the arts, healthcare and social services. I bring my experience, certification in executive coaching, my quest for continuous learning, and my passion to help people and their organizations achieve excellence. Let's connect on LinkedIn!
I've backpacked the Grand Canyon, hiked to glaciers in Chile and studied the Northern Lights at -20º in Churchill, Manitoba. Hikes and outdoor adventures always teach me something new and energize my spirit.
What's my WHY? I have a passion for helping others gain that same spirit of success! I've had many teachers and mentors during my career. Coaching others is my way of paying forward. Exhilaration that I gain from learning and outdoors adventures characterizes how I feel when my clients achieve success as leaders and professionals.
I challenge myself to meet each client from where she or he see through my clients’ eyes and walk in their connect, engage, inspire and to offer a lens that helps them to recognize their best qualities, to envision their potential, to imagine "what can be," and to gain actionable, impactful insights towards their leadership and professional goals.
To learn what my clients and colleagues say, visit me on LinkedIn.
And the risks, challenges, pushback and pitfalls are many. Whether for continuous improvement or transformation – to become more competitive, more innovative, to enter new markets; to shift culture for increased engagement and retention of essential talent; to restructure for greater efficiencies and cost savings. There's no guarantee of success and failure is costly.
Harvard Business Review and others estimate that 70% of all change strategies fail. I wrote this book so that more leaders and agents of change will find success!
CONSTELLATIONS for LEADING ORGANIZATION CHANGE is a game changer! This book discusses essential elements of leadership and organization change through the experiences of 10 senior leaders from across the spectrum who've triumphantly navigated change and candidly shared their insights for success.
I wrote this book specifically for Senior Leaders, Human Resources and Organization Development practitioners to lead change with more insights and tools for success. The integration of the thought leadership behind key concepts, pertinent research, assessments, practical advice and an easily searchable topical index make this book a veritable toolkit for anyone who leads and implements organization change and transformation strategies.
Check it out at Amazon – – and other major booksellers!
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